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*disclaimer* I did not disclude Alliyah from this interview, she was not able to answer and I needed to post haha <3

Question 1: What is your favorite dance move?

Grace: Spins!

Jess: I'm not really sure!

Erin: Probably a spin like Grace

Katie: Cross keys!

Question 2: Is it hard to compete against each other?

Grace: It is hard but it is good as it helps me push myself!

Jess: I don't really mind because I think every age group is hard.

Erin: It is sometimes, but we are all best friends so we are happy for who ever wins!

Katie: not really!

Question 3: How often are you able to see each other?

Grace: When it gets back into the feis season we see each other at nearly all feises but other than that, not very often :)

Jess: We live quite far away from each other so it is quite hard but if we can work something out we will!

Erin: Not much but hopefully we can do something out of dance together!

Katie: Summer but only for a short while

Question 4: Who are your biggest inspirations?

Grace: Melanie Valdes, Lauren Finglas, and Rachael Fraser

Jess: Dance teachers

Erin: dance teachers x

Katie: Melanie!

Question 5: What point of technique is hardest for you?

Grace: Turning out my feet

Jess: I am not really sure x

Erin: Smiling, if that is technique? If not, probably crossing x

Katie: I don't know sorry!

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