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BRoken Hearted 


Chapter 1:
Bethany's POV
I turned to look at the clock on my bed side table. The blue letters read 2:31pm. "Shoot!" I thought to myself. I leave for dance in and hour and a half. I need to start getting ready. I put my homework in my backpack and walked into my medium sized closet. I pulled my bin of make up off my shelf and sat down in front if my mirror to get to work on making myself look acceptable. First I put on my concealer, foundation, and powder to even out my skin tone and hide the redness in my cheeks. I used mascara and eyeliner to make my eyes stand out. I didn't want to go over board with the make up so I decided to move on to hair. I flipped my head over and sprayed hair spray on my hair so my fly aways would stay down. I put two hair ties in because my hair is super thick and then I added my red bow

and put on a black nike head band and I bobby-pinned the hairs that the hair spray wouldn't

tame. Next I put on deodorant and my favorite dance shirt with my black nike spandex that are

so short you can't even really seem them under my shirt. I spray some of my favorite bath and

body works scent and then I head down stairs to eat dinner. 

Chapter 2: 
My mom was with my brother at his baseball so she left some dinner for me on the table. I ate

it while I scrolled through Instagram. A snapchat appeared from my best friend, Chloe. We

started talking about dance and stuff like that. We started talking about all the dancers when

I told her, "hey so I need to tell you something but you can't tell anyone!" She agreed so I said, "I kind of like Asher, and I've liked him for about 2 years..." She instantly replied and was super excited and then mad because I didn't tell her sooner. Then I said, "why do you think I like take so long to get ready?" After I ate I went up stairs to brush my teeth and grab my sweat pants and dance bag. The door bell rang, it was Mrs. West coming to pick me up for dance. We chatted in the car and I said good bye when we arrive at 4:30 to the studio. I walked in and Asher was in his usual spot. I smiled briefly, catching his eye than went to sit with Chloe, and our other friends, Lucy and Juliet. While Lucy and Jules were talking, Chloe whispered to me about Asher, and why I liked him in the first place, because he is 10 months younger than me. As I was explaining this, out teacher, Jackie, said she was announcing 8 hand partners for the feis. "First couple is Beth and Ash." We looked over at each other and shot each other a goofy face and then centered our attention back on Jackie. 

Chapter 3:
."Hey bethers" Asher said as I took my spot in the dance. "Hey Ashers" I relied with my normal crazy-eyed, joking, expression. The music started and we grabbed hands and started the lead around. Jackie stopped us about half way through the dance. "Lucy!" She said, "you lagging in the lead and your not in line on the 7s. Let's do it again." Asher groaned as I sighed slightly. When we started the lead around again, he started to do this thing he always does where we pounds on the ground while he steps. He thinks it's funny. I yanked on his arm after I laughed to make him stop before Jackie yelled at him. After we finished we all sat down and I started talking to the girls. I was seated next to I'm but we weren't really talking. I turned to him and said, "how was Florida?" (He had gone there earlier, I did too but it was different areas) he said it was good and we kept talking until we had to go up and dance again. When I got home and started taking my shower, I replayed met interaction with him to see if i could tell if he liked me. I was still confused when I got out of the shower, but I always was so it was okay. Haha. 

Chapter 4:
It was Friday night. My dance studio had a show tomorrow at a local festival. I loved shows so much. I get to be with all my amazing friends and dance for people. I was thinking about the line up, and I couldn't help but smile because I knew that we were doing the 8 hand that I was partnered with Asher for. I never go to bed before 1 am on weekend nights, and tonight was no different. I watched Netflix and youtube until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. 8 hours later I woke up to my mom shaking me and telling me I needed to get up to start getting ready for the show. I checked my phone and saw that Chlo, lucy, and Jules had been texting me questions all morning. Chloe's had mostly consisted of Asher while lucy and Juliet needed to know if I was wearing my jacket or shirt for my studio. I answered all of their texts and then walked into my closet to start getting ready for the show. I did my fave makeup that I did on Monday for dance, but I added bronzer and blush. Then I did gray/black eye shadow and added my favorite liner and mascara. I brushed my eye brows so the hairs were where I wanted them. Next I worked on my wig. I teased and hair sprayed my hair for the poof and then did the rest of my pony tails and put my donut in. I put my wig on and had to put a billion bobby pins in it because it doesn't stay in with out pins. I added my huge tiara then put extra pins, and make up in a bag. I made some toast then hopped into the car. I talked a bit to my mom, listened to the radio and texted my friends. 

Chapter 5: 
We got to where the show was and I went into the dressing room. Asher was there talking to luke and some of our other friends. "Hey guys" I said making my usual "goofy" kind of face. Jackie (our teacher) said that she was going to start running the show. The first number was the 8 hand. Asher and I got into our places And grabbed hands to start the dance. We finished the dance and all headed back to the area that our phones and iPods were. Asher, Caitlyn and I all really like the game Crossy road so we were comparing our high scores and coin count when Jackie asked us to come back up for the next number. We kept running everything and then it was time to get ready. I went into the bathroom really fast to change from my yoga pants into my spandex and then came back out and got into my dress. "Alright!" Jackie said, "game faces! Walk out in a single file line and smile." We walked to the gym where the stage was set up. We sat in the chairs and waited for Jackie to announce us. Asher grabbed my hands and we walked out to the stage. We started the 8 hand, and I didn't want to smile because I always feel like I have lipstick on my teeth but I licked my teeth and smiled anyway. I walked back into the dressing room. "Goodness gracious!" I exclaimed, "it's like 400 thousand degrees in here!" I plopped on to the ground and ripped my hard shoes  off and then had Juliet unzip my mom dress. I folded it up and put it in my dress bag then I put my studio jacket on because I was only wearing my grey sports bra and Nike spandex. 

Chapter 6: I walked over to my mom who was talking to Asher's mom and asked them how they thought the show was. They both said they really liked it. Asher and his mom left, since he was hungry and needed to eat. We packed up my things and I said good bye to everyone and we left too. We walked the same way we came in. We got in the car and drove home, I was exhausted so I finished my homework by 9 and went to sleep.

Chapter 7:
It was another dance day and I can't wait! I promised my self I would talk to Asher a little more than usual since the Feis was that weekend. I put my makeup on as usual, and did my hair. I didn't wear a bow since I was wearing a football shirt. It was my favorite team, the bengals. I ate and then went to dance. I go early to help with the little kids then have my class later. Asher didn't help with the other classes so I was there without him for a while. Once our class started Asher, lucy, and I started talking about the super bowl. Asher and I both wanted the Patriots to win and lucy was crushed when the Seahawks lost. When Ash saw my bengals shirt he and I got on the heated debate on who was better, the bengals or the jets (Asher's favorite team) we were getting in line for drills while we were talking so we had to cut our conversation short when we started shuffles. After we finished and had a short break we all kept talking. We danced and did most of the drills together that class since we were talking so much. Our parents made us stay after class because Asher's mom, Carey, need to help my mom put some wood in our car for the feis on Saturday. "Woah" I said when I saw how much wood Asher had just put in our car. "Yeahhhh haha you get it this year!" He said jokingly. "I can't wait to not sit in a seat on my way home." I said laughing. We ended up joking around and talking for about 45 minutes until we had to separate ways. In the car on the way home I could help but smile because of how much fun I had. I can't wait for the feis! We are going to have so much fun 

Chapter 8:
I was sitting in bed at the hotel. It was Friday and I was going to dance at the feis in less that 12 hours. I was staring at the ceiling, just thinking. I started thinking about how that one girl on my said that I should not be proud of my dancing and I might as well quit. I laughed. I was embarrassed by how upset I had gotten. I remember it all perfectly. I was sitting against my bed on the floor, wondering whether or not I should believe her. All of a sudden my phone buzzed. It was my friend Siobhan. Her message read "OMG is that ask fm thing true?! Did someone actually say that?!" I replied "yup. :-(" she automatically was able to calm me down and reminded me of how many obstacles I have overcome to get to where I am. I was still shaken up by the comment but I felt 400 times better. We kept texting until I had to start the rest of my homework. 

- end of flash back -
I laughed, thinking how we became friends. We had never even met each other but we are still good friends and she is one of the coolest people ever. We met because of a dance account on Instagram and talk everyday now. My train of thought was interrupted by Chloe texting me saying she was at the hotel. I grabbed my phone and room key and slid my vans on then walked to the elevator. 

Chapter 9:
I walked out of the elevator and was greeted by lucy, Juliet, and our other friend McKenzie. We walked into the ballroom where the stage was being set up. we walked in and hung out for awhile. When Asher arrived he came and hung out with us. We all talked and ran around the hotel.Around 9 Asher was with luke so all of us girls went into my room. We got into the elevator and went up to my room. We played music and sat on couches and ate food. It was fun even though it was boring. Later on, everyone had to go back to their rooms so I went down stairs with McKenzie. We saw Asher hanging out by one of the vendors so we went to talk to him. We hung out for a while but his mom, carey, made him go back to his room. Mac had to leave too so I went back to my room. I showered really fast, changed into pajamas and then hopped into bed and watched dance moms until I couldn't keep my eyes and open any longer. 

Chapter 10: 
This morning I slept in and got up around 9. I grabbed some breakfast with my bestie, Chloe and then watched everyone dance until I had to start hair and make up. We did teams at 10. I won everything with my teams except the 2 hands, but who really cares about those anyway?!Haha. Now we are all sitting around waiting to dance. I was sitting on the floor with Jules and we were talking. She and I were discussing everything from school to dance. A little while into the conversation she noticed Asher sitting alone so she called him over.
(She knew by now that I liked him.) We were joking about everything from something that happened that morning to something that happened 2 and a half years ago. After a whole a bunch of our other friends came over to sit with us. We all kept talking for a while. I stopped paying attention half way through the conversation because Siobhan texted me. I started paying attention just in time to here Asher say, "oh yeah, I have a girlfriend now."

Chapter 11: 
I looked over at Juliet and she knew automatically how I felt. I walked over to my suitcase, pretending I needed to change, so I grabbed my jacket, and yanked Juliet up by her shirt and pulled her into the hallway. "Did you hear that?!" I asked. She said she did. It was weird. I didn't feel mad, or jealous I just felt like I had lost, which isn't good for a Feis. I was confused, how long have they been together? Why didn't he tell me? We are suppose to be friends. I thought about class on Wednesday, I really though that he liked me, I mean you should've seen him. I thought all the way back to a year ago, and how much fun we had. I can not believe I allowed my self to fall into this trap. I felt foolish. I came back in and Juliet steered the conversation away from this mystery girl, and back onto the feis and dancing. After awhile, asher had to get into his vest. When he left I walked over to sit with Chloe. She wasn't there when he said it but she knew something was wrong. I explained what has happened and how I was feeling. After awhile it was Asher's time to dance. Chloe and I walked into the ball room to watch him. I really didn't even want to be in the same room as him. Through out the whole dance he was amazing, as usual. It made me angry. I basically ignored him after he danced. I didn't want to but I had to. 

Chapter 12:
I was stretching in the hallway while listening to one direction on repeat. I figured that they were they only thing that could take my mind off of asher. For the past hour I have literally just wanted to sleep for a month. I felt defeated. Now I know why he seemed so happy at dance on Wednesday and why he was talking to me so much. I can't believe I was that dumb. I started to get my shoes and dress on. It was almost dance time. I pulled on my blue celtic star. And jumped up and down a few times to make sure I was ready to go. Before I knew it I was up on stage about to start my first round. I started my first step and it felt really good. I finished the 2nd step with out dying ️too! I was on the third step and I was almost done. I clicked and then I fell on my butt. A quiet gasp arose from the audience as the judges rang their bell. I stood up and nodded when the judges asked if I was okay. I bowed and walked off stage. I sat down in the chair and was surrounded by my friends. As people were putting duct tape on my shoes I realized I fell at this Feis last year too. The only difference was last year asher was the first person to come over to see if I was okay and helped me feel better, this year he didn't and it made it all that much harder. 

Chapter 13:
With my head held high, I smiled and bowed. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders when I realize I had finished my dancing for the day. It was no longer in my hands so what's the point of getting nervous. I got off stage and hugged my friends and then they helped me get out of my dress and I put my shirt on and then took off my bloomers (I had spandex under).Juliet and I went to the restaurant and we saw asher sitting by him self at a table. He didn't notice us and I told Juliet we shouldn't go over there but she walked over there anyway so I had to follow. I sat across from him and we all were talking. Everytime we talk he always brings up his girl friend like forty times but luckly for me he only talked about her for a second. We were all talking and having fun when asher had to leave to go to his mom. I looked at Juliet and we were both like confused about what he said when he left but we were fine and we left right after to meet up with Chloe. 

Chapter 14:
Chloe and I hung out until awards that night. We went up to my room together and ate pretzels and drank dr. Pepper. Dance moms was playing in my iPad in the background as we were talking a bit. She asked about asher at one point and I didn't really know what to say. He didn't do anything to hurt me (at least I think) so I can't be MAD can I? But at the same time he was to stupid to see what I was really feeling. I mean either he was trained really well my his parents or he actually liked me at one point. Like he's done things for me he didn't have to do, and things I expected my friends to do but he did instead. The worst part of it all was that I allowed myself to fall into this love trap and now, I'm stuck. I looked up at Chloe. She looked kind of surprised about the outpour of emotions I just told her. Just as I finished we left and walked into the vendor room. We saw asher and the other guys from our school at an empty table. We ignored them at first but the called our names when they saw us. We headed over to them.


Chapter 15:

“How do you think you did?” asked Asher. I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or to Chloe, but I answered anyway. “I fell, so not very good.” Asher looked down at his phone and said quietly, “I saw you dance, and I thought it was the best you’ve danced in a competition. When you started the third step again you danced it even better. I don't think they’ll take any points off for it Bethers.” I smiled at the use of my nickname. When I looked at Chloe she wiggled her eye brows and I rolled my eyes. He has a girlfriend. He can’t like me. I had to keep reminding myself the rest of the time before awards. He was acting just like he did on Wednesday. It was like his girlfriend had no effect on us at all for him. Soon enough it was awards and every one gathered into the ballroom.

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