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Question 1: What was your reaction when you found out you were going to be on jig?

Julia: Well firstly I thought my mom was playing a joke on me! Hahaha I couldn't actually comprehend the thought of being a "movie star" when I was only 10! haha I actually don't think I even realized how big it would be until it came out in so many movie theaters!! I am still so grateful that i did it and it is an amazing privilge that im able to watch my first worlds over and over again!

Question 2: Which world title made you the most excited?

Julia: Way too difficult to say! They all have their special reasons: in 2010, it was my first worlds and I always looked up to Fiona Dargan for winning her first worlds and I really wanted to be just like her! haha. In 2014: no one thought I could come back from my injury, and all I wanted to do was prove them wrong. I didn't have faith in myself that I could actually go from no medal to first place, however I worked for months and I couldn't even believe my eyes when I got there! and 2015: Gianna Cheeseman oh my god. Honestly, she inspires me so much. We have been through everything together, and we always root for each other in every competition. I've known her since I was about 5, and we are still just as close to this day. During most results, we hold a little pair of rosary beads together, just praying for eachother to do their best. I love her more than life itself and i couldnt believe it when I heard that we were first and second in the world. I seriously could not have stood next to a more hardworking, genuine, kindhearted person, and I am more than privileged to have stood with her. So super proud of that girl!

Question 3: How do you prepare to dance at a feis or major?

Julia: I usually stretch a lottttttt. Warm up a bit by walking through my steps and doing shuffle exercises. But after I am all warmed up, I like to relax and sit down and just take a deep breath and try not to get all nervous! And then I usually go back stage REALLYYYYYYYY early, like WAY too early! I just like being back there to not have any distractions, just so I can go over what I have to focus on and listen to the music. and then I just stretch for a bit until I go on!

Question 4: When you had injuries in the past and could not dance, did you do anything to stay in shape?

Julia: Oh yes lots of stretching!!! Sometimes I would do a little step around the house so I can remember them and just have fun dancing haha!! I would do ab exercises like sit ups and planks and push ups and all that!

Question 5: Do alot of people come up to you for photos at competition?

Julia: yeah haha it used to be a lot more like when jig came out I was just STUNNED haha! I didn't know how to sign an autograph or take a picture and it was all very new to me. I was probably such a freak when people would ask me!HAHA

Question 6: How do you get your turn out so amazing?

Julia: Sush it is not that amazing! haha it might sound weird but all I did was walk around EVERYWHERE for a few weeks with my feet side ways. Even through school and in public! People probably thought I was mental HAHA

Question 7: What is a dance class like at DP? Julia: I absolutely love DP with all my heart honestly. My 5 teachers are the most hardworking group of people I have ever met in my whole life and they make the most of the 24 hours in a day. A regular dance class will include many stretches, and ab work in the beginning. Then drills for about an hour, then some steps, stamina work, whole things, and then sets. We work so so much and all of us push so hard every class. My teachers put so much effort thinking about each and every dancer and they try to improve them as much as possible. It is so much fun but also a lot of work. I am so grateful to be part of such an amazing school with the most amazing teachers.

Question 8: Do you think you will do shows when you are older?

Julia: Yes definitely!!! I really hope to do one at least!

Question 9: Who is your biggest inspiration?

Julia: Gianna Cheeseman and Gabriella Wood, both amazing people inside and out and I love them both like sisters!

Question 10: What is your favorite and least favorite dance move? Julia: I don't really have a favorite or least favorite more hahaha but I just really like loads of shuffles and beats I think it is so cool!

THANK YOU SO MUCH, JULIA!! This was the most fun interview I have ever done! I hope you all enjoyed it! xxx

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