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Hi everyone!

Today I will be discussing different types of shoes with you all! Just keep in mind these are my experiences and my opinons, so you might think differently or you may agree! Today, I will be reviewing fays, iconic, and rutherford hardshoes. These are the last 3 brands I have used. Hope you enjoy :)


I wore fays about 4 years ago. They look really nice on the feet. I would suggest them for dancers with more narrow feet. I like how the leather looks but it gave me a lot of blisters. They were very hard to break in as well. I was able to break mine in in about two weeks but one of my friends has had the worst time breaking them in, and she has had them for a few years. I tried to help her while driving to a feis that was a few hours away. We were breaking them in the whole time but it barely did anything. Overall, they look really nice but take a bit more time and effort to break in.


I bought these after I grew out of my fays. The shoe vendor told me that they had the look of fays but broke in a lot faster. I have to agree with her. They broke in very quickly and looked really nice aswell. Sadly, they were in a bag with scissors while on a plane and so the heel was shredded. I really liked them, but the heel looked bad because of the scissor marks, and that was also a time when I had to tap my shoes to my feet because they kept falling off.


I have rutherford right now and I really like them. They broke in literally in 5 minutes. They are really easy to do toe stands in. I still get plently of blisters, but far less that my fays gave me, but that could just be because of my callus's. I have had them for so long, i need new ones because the tips are starting to come off LOL.

I hope this helped all of you! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me on instagram @loveirishdance and I will try my best to answer. Don't forget, I am not in anyway a professional and these opinion are strictly my own, so if you don't agree, lets agree to disagree :)

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