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Question 1: What is the most important thing in the world to you?

Orla: Dance tbh

Question 2: How do you prepare at a feis?

Orla: I just get everything I meed ready to go.

Question 3: Who is your favorite dancer?

Orla: I have sooo many but the main ones are my brother, Cyra Taylor, and Aiesha Coyle.

Question 4: What do you like to do in your free time?

Orla: Watch TV or dance haha

Question 5: Are you closer with your dance friends or your school friends?

Orla: Umm I am really close with both but I definetley spend more time and go more places with dance friends x

Question 6: What is your favorite food? hahaha

Orla: Pasta!

Question 7: Do your parents push you at home alot with your dancing?

Orla: Well my mom is a dance teacher so at dance, yes but my dad no x

Question 8: Do you have any added pressure at majors because of dance accounts or your fan?

Orla: Haha I don't think so because I don't think i have 'fans' haha x

Question 9: What is your favorite dance move?

Orla: I don't really know x

Question 10: Is it hard to compete against your friends? x

Orla: Aw I dunno because I want them to do amazing too x

Question 11: Do you say that school or dance comes first?

Orla: Well I like to think dance but school is really important.

Question 12: What is your favorite major?

Orla: Worlds!

Thank you for doing this, Orla!

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