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Question 1: Where do you see your self in 4 years?

Jane: Four years from now I'll be coming to the end of high school and I'll probably still be dancing!

Question 2: What is your favorite trick or dance move?

Jane: Em i really like leaps, over toes and slow&fast trebles!

Question 3: Do you want to do shows when you're older?

Jane: The thought has definitely come across my mine but I dont think I will x

Question 4: Why did you start dancing?

Jane: I went to see river dance in Ireland with my mom and aunt when i was 4 or 5 and when we came back thats all I wanted to do!

Question 5: What do you like to do in your free time?

Jane: I like to hang out with my friends

Queston 6: Fav TV show or movie?

Jane: Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Gossip Girl or 90210

Question 7: Do you ever get nervous before a feis or major?

Jane: Depends on the day really, I get really nervous at random moments but i know that the more nervous i get, the more it could affect my dancing, so if i just think im gonna go up there andd im gonna push all the way to the end and have fun with it then it usually calms my nerves down, along with the support of my mom, teachers, and friends x

Question 8: Who is your biggest inspiration?

Jane: Well i really look up to every one i dance with at mhg but i look up to melanie valdes, eimear enright, and molly mcadams.

Question 9: When do you do when you practice at home and how long do you practice?

Jane: Well i normally practice at the studio but if i do at home its usually just to make sure I got a rhythm or the new step, otherwise I just work out at home

Question 10: What is hardest for you to do?

Jane: Stamina and Arch!

TYSM for doing this Jane!

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