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Question 1: Do you ever get any hate? And how do you deal with it?

Ciaran: I've never properly got it, but sometimes I would get asked on stuff like "your such a bad dancer" or "how did you get 2nd in the world" but it doesn't really bother me. I just ignore them cause they wouldn't be so bothered unless they were jealous, so thats how I deal with it.

Question 2: Who is your biggest inspiration?

Ciaran: I would probably say Jack Quinn because he is such an amazing dancer and it really shows how hard work pays off, because he has won the worlds six times.

Question 3: What is your favorite dance move?

Ciaran: I have a lot of favorite dance moves haha but probably a double click or a click. I like loads of jumps as well haha

Question 4: When did you start dancing?

Ciaran: When I was about 5 or 6.

Question 5: How often do you have class and practice at home?

Ciaran: I have classes usually Tuesday Thursday Friday and Saturday and most of the time on wednesday. I practice at home as much as I can.

Question 6: What is your biggest accomplishment?

Ciaran: Definitely 2nd in the world and 1st at All Scots twice

Question 7: Is school or dance more important?

Ciaran: I would say they are equal as each other , but school is a bit more important. School will always depend on my future, but I just love dancing so it is hard to mange both, but I'd say I can get both done.

Questioni 8: What do you want to be when you grow up? Ciaran: I am not really sure, but I think I'd like to be a physio therapist.

Question 9: Are you closer to dancers at your school or other schools?

Ciaran: Both sort of, I am closer to some dancers at my school rather that others, but closer to others than people at my school

Question 10: Have you ever had a major injury to over come?

Ciaran: No never, I have actually been quite lucky. At the moment I've pulled my hamstring but it only hurts on the left clicks so its not too bad.

Thank you SO much, Ciaran, for doing this! You were so so nice to talk to! :))

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