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Question 1: What is your biggest dancing accomplishment?

Sam: My biggest accomplishment is probably medaling at worlds after not recalling my first worlds x

Question 2: What do you do to prepare before a feis?

Sam: Go to practice and try to dance my best that day. The night before I tan and pack all of my feis essentials

Question 3: Is it ever hard to compete against your friends?

Sam: No because we are still friends no matter what happens x

Question 4: Do you want to do any shows or anything like that when you are older?

Sam: Right now I am not too sure but if I ever got the opportunity I would

Question 5: What do you like to do in your free time?

Sam: Shopping, hanging out with friends, texting, and hanging out with family!

Question 6: What is your favorite TV show or movie?

Sam: My favorite TV shows have to be Keeping Up With The Kardashian's, The Amazing Race, and Dance Moms. My favorite movie is the avengers

Question 7: Do people come up to you alot for photos?

Sam: No not really. The first time was at worlds with some really good u11s

Question 8: What is your favorite major?

Sam: My favorite major is worlds because i get to see all of my friends from overseas that I love and miss so much!

Question 9: Who do you look up to the most?

Sam: I look up to my mom outside of dance but in dance I look up to Orla Godley, Katie Finlay, and Gia Debourbon

Quesiton 10: What would you be doing if you were not dancing?

Sam: I would probably be doing a different sport like gymnastics or soccer!

Thank you for doing this, Sam! I hope you all enjoyed this! Dm me on instagram (@loveirishdance) and tell me who I should interview next! <33

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